A Guide to System Integration Testing


SIT or the System Integration testing is one of those software testing phases that is performed after unit testing. With this software testing phase, enterprises achieve several benefits and eventually deliver high-quality software.

And, to make this procedure more effective, teams need to have a very clear understanding of this testing clinic. Here's a simple guide to assist you.

What's System Integration Testing?

SIT or the System Integration Testing is a software testing clinic that's done within an integrated hardware or software environment for verifying the complete system's behavior. It is completed after each individual module of the software has undergone and passed unit testing. Then, in the integration testing procedure, these already analyzed modules are combined to check their behavior after integration.

What are the various techniques of SIT?

There are 4 popular methods to do SIT.

1. Top-Down SIT Strategy: In this approach, the testing starts in the lightest section of this application. In the top-down strategy, the top module is incorporated with the lower module to test the functionality.

2. Bottom-up SIT Strategy: In this approach, the low-level modules of the system are incorporated in the bottom to the top.

3. Big-Bang SIT Strategy: In this approach, integration isn't done for the modules before each of the modules are prepared. As soon as they become available, the modules are subsequently integrated and further executed to understand their functioning functionality.

4. The most important advantage of this sandwich approach is that the upper and bottom layers of the program are analyzed in parallel.

What are the Advantages of SIT?

• Helps in identifying defects at the first

• Helps in understanding the accessibility of this system module

• Helps in saving time and price

• Helps in detecting the bugs caused because of module integrations

Example of SIT

Consider a company which uses applications for storing client information. It has 2 screens -- Screen 1 and Screen 2 with a database for keeping the client's details. When this program is felt blessed with for not fulfilling the prerequisites, the company plans to boost the software by adding screen 3 using a database. 

Now, the teams need to perform integration testing, to ensure the existence of the new Display with the older screen is working fine when it is completely integrated.

Leverage Software Integration testing solutions from next-gen QA testing services provider to guarantee every module of the machine is working fine after integration.

System Integration Testing:

It involves the testing of a collection of modules and interfaces to check if the application meets the specification requirements. It is both Black box and white box testing hence the knowledge of modules and interfaces is required. The process involves functional testing wherein testing is performed to check whether the modules when combined ensure the correct outcome and are performed by developers and test engineers. Moreover, in system testing, test cases are developed to simulate the interaction between modules. It also involves the testing of systems and packages especially testing interfaces to external entities.


– This testing process helps to validate the functionality of the software module dependencies

– Data integrity is carried in separate modules for the complete solution


– The primary function of testing dependencies between the components commonly subjects to regression testing


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