What Are The Tools For Performing Integration Testing?


Integration testing primarily focuses on verifying data communication among different modules of the software project. Integration tests determine the effectiveness and performance of different software modules when they are connected to each other.

It rather determines whether a system of multiple modules work together as per the requirements specified. Individual units are culminated together and tested as one unit to validate the performance, functionalities, and reliability of the software.

The formal software testing process involves testing different modules initially with unit testing and then moved further for integration testing.

The Tools For Performing Integration Testing

1. Protractor:

This is an open-source automation framework tool. It is intended to perform integration testing. It helps to run instances of applications, and provides the opportunity to run tests from the user point of view, and also helps to write end-to-end test suites.

2. Citrus Integration Testing:

This is an open-source tool, which is licensed under Apache License 2.0. This tool helps to assist in automated integration testing for data formats and message-based applications.

3. Tessy:

This tool is having floating license application rights and helps to perform integration and unit testing. This tool has three major functionalities, they are Workspace, Test Data Editor (TDE), and Test Interface Editor (TIE).

4. Jasmine:

This is a behavioural driven development (BDD) framework tool. This tool is compatible across various browsers and cab best be used for websites that run on Javascript.

5. Steam:

This open-source automation framework tool is developed by the GitHub in 2008. This tool is preferred to test the websites that enable Javascript.


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