15 Best Integration Testing Tools


What is integration testing

Integration testing is a testing method where the interface between modules is tested and critical defects are identified that is caused due to integration between different modules. Integration testing makes sure that the individual modules are working as expected when they are combined with other modules. 

Integration testing tools scale up the performance of the testing activities and provide a more scalable platform.

In this article, you will get to know the 15 best integration testing tools.

Following are the 15 best integration testing tools:

1. Protractor: It is an end-to-end testing framework and is applicable for Angular and AngularJS applications. WebDriverJS is the base platform on which it is built and this WebDriverJS uses specific drivers and native browsers to interact with the application. It is an open-source automation framework and is exclusively used for the purpose of integration testing.

2. Tessy: This tool can conduct both unit and integration testing for embedded software. The code coverage of an application is also identified by this tool. The test case is specified by Classification Tree Editor (CTE) in a systematic manner. The interface of the function is analyzed and the variable used by that function is ascertained.

3. VectorCAST/Ada: Ada programming language is used for project development. It provides automated test solutions for both integration and unit testing and also the crucial embedded systems are also validated by this tool. It can easily integrate with other tools such as Green Hills, IBM Rational etc.

4. VectorCast/C++: This tool is also another popular software from VECTOR software. It can perform both unit and integration testing. This tool is especially used by those developers who are using the C or C++ programming language to create their embedded software. The business-critical embedded systems are properly validated.

5. IBM Rational Integration Tester: it provides a scripting-free environment where integration projects and SOA messaging tools can be easily developed. Integration issues are provided with the help of agile and iterative development processes.

6. FitNesse: It is an open-source fully integrated standalone tool. Separate installation is not required, the java jar file needs to be downloaded and then it is ready for use. It is supported by various languages such as Python, C#, Java etc. The requirements can be validated with actual software implementation using this tool.

7. Validata MSG: Validata Message Testing (MSG) offers an automated testing framework and is used for the testing of ATM, SOA, SWIFT and Generic Interface. The integration testing phase is simplified using this tool. Developing end-to-end scenarios and testing at different levels is possible through this tool.

8. Smart Integration Test Accelerator (SITA): The generation of test data and test design is accelerated using this tool. Automation of test design and test data takes place. It can be easily integrated with other tools such as HP ALM, IBM Rational etc.,

9. LDRA: Code analysis can be automated for crucial applications. Specific tools for integration testing are provided that can be used for the verification of compliance standards. Integration tests can be built using the LDRA tool suite and it also provides dynamic and static analysis over different platforms. This tool can be easily customized based on team and project-specific requirements.

10. Citrus: This tool provides automated integration testing for data formats and message based applications. Response data, text messaging request, XML and JSON is validated by this tool. It can create a sequence of messages and error messages. For integration testing, it supports message transport connectivity. XML response is easily validated.                                  

11. Spock for JAVA: This tool works on Java and Groovy applications. It is compatible with different continuous integration servers and IDEs. It can easily enable readable and writable tests. It can perform both mocking and assertion checking at the same time.

12. eZscript: This tool can easily automate unit and integration tests (and other tests like smoke, sanity, regression etc.,) for any web-based application. Test creation can be enhanced using this tool through the help of Business Process Testing (BPT).

13. Jasmine: It supports Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) framework. It supports various browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome etc. It is more suited for JavaScript based websites. Tests can be easily written as it has a clean and simple syntax.              

14. Steam: It is an integration testing tool that is being developed by GitHub. JavaScript enabled websites can be tested by Steam, which is an open-source automation framework. It has a dependency on RJB, Java Runtime and HtmlUnit (jar file).

15. Pioneerjs: Through this tool, integration tests can be properly scripted and debugged. A readable code is maintained by this tool.   

Conclusion: If you are looking forward to implementing Integration testing for your specific project, then do get connected with a well-established software testing services company that will provide you with a viable testing strategy that is in line with your project specific requirements. 

About the author: I am a technical content writer focused on writing technology specific articles. I strive to provide well-researched information on the leading market savvy technologies.


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